采用电解法对 4 氯酚废水进行了处理。以活性炭纤维 (ACF)为阴极 ,铁为阳极 ,并向阴极不断通入空气 ,电解过程中生成的H2 O2 与阳极溶解的Fe2 + 形成Fenton(芬顿 )试剂 ,Fenton试剂在电解的过程中可以产生大量活性羟基·OH ,能够很好地氧化降解废水中的 4 氯酚。在最佳试验条件下 :室温 ,氯酚浓度为 5 0mg/L ,电解时间为 6 0min ,pH值为4 5 ,电流密度为 15 38A/m2 ,Na2 SO4浓度为 3g/L时 ,4 氯酚去除率为 85 70 %。
The treatment of 4-chlorphenol wastewater with E-Fenton reagent was studied . The electrobath was made up of iron-anode and ACF-cathode , meanwhile the air blowed the cathode . When electrifying, H 2O 2 and Fe 2+ composed of E-Fenton reagent were produced. E-Fenton reagent which have amount of active ·OH degraded the 4-chlorphenol obviously. The optimum operation parameters were determined as follows: under room temperature, pH 4.5 , reaction time 60 min, concentration of Na 2SO 4 3 g/L , current density 15.38 A/m 2. Under the optimum reaction conditions , the removal rate of 4-chlorphenol was 85.70%.
Techniques and Equipment for Environmental Pollution Control