本文是环境水质学进展评述专题之一。环境水化学有逐渐发展成为环境水质科学的趋势。近年来这一领域中出版了多种系统专著。 水体颗粒物只有广义概念,它们在天然水体和水处理工艺的水质转化过程中起着广泛而重要的突出作用,因而成为近三十年来的集中研究对象。研究的焦点之一就是表面络合原理及其定量计算模式。表面络合模式目前主要提出恒定容量、扩散层(双层)及多层(三层)等三类区别主要在双电层结构的设计不同,各有短长,应加以比较综合。表面络合模式应用于水体中的天然颗粒物尚有许多难题,已有大量研究工作,目前尚以简化和表观方式处理为主。本文首先评价了表面络合常数、多组分和多级表面位等方面的研究现状,在后续部分将评价有机配体和颗粒物浓度等因素的影响。 在后续下一部分还将评述表面络合原理在污染物水体停留时间、矿物风化溶解、氧化催化、凝聚絮凝和生物氧化等水处理工艺中的应用研究现状,再简单介绍国内及笔者研究室的工作。
The advances in the field of aquatic chemistry and aquatic quality science were reviewed. The main published books were listed.The role of various particulates and their interactions with trace pollutants in aquatic systems including water and waste water treatment are primary important. In recent decades, surface complexation model of adsorption at the particle/water interface was presented as an increasingly interested topic. Several models such asonstant capacity, diffuse layer, triple layer and others were developed. The difference between them mainly in the structure of electrical double layer. The arguments are not ended. However, the more chalenging topics are how to apply them in natural aquatic sustens.The research work on apparent surface complexation constants of multi-sites and multi-components adsorbent were reviewed firstly.