
栽培条叶龙胆各形态类型龙胆苦苷含量的测定 被引量:12

Determination of gentiopicroside in different morphological types of cultivated Gentiana manshurica population
摘要 目的 :研究条叶龙胆栽培种群中形态变异与根中龙胆苦苷含量之间的相关性 ,探讨条叶龙胆有效成分高含量育种的可行性。方法 :自条叶龙胆栽培种群中选出 5个形态类型 ,即正常 (野生 )型、白花型、粗根型、宽叶Ⅰ型和宽叶Ⅱ型 ,采用高效液相色谱法测定根中龙胆苦苷含量。结果 :不同类型之间的龙胆苦苷含量差异较大 ,以粗根型为最高 ,其他依次为正常 (野生 )型、宽叶Ⅰ型、白花型、宽叶Ⅱ型 ;而同一类型的根系中龙胆苦苷含量与根龄呈正相关 ,即 3龄根 >2龄根 >1龄根。结论 :栽培条叶龙胆在形态上发生明显变异的同时有效成分含量亦发生显著变化 ,进行高含量育种是可行的 ,可以以某一形态性状作为高含量育种的选择指标。 Objective: To study the correlation betwee n morphological variation and gentiopicroside content in cultivated Gentian a manshurica roots and to investigate the feasibility of breeding new varietie s of high effective constituent content. Method: Gen tiopicroside was determined in 5 morphological types of cultivated G. manshuri ca roots by HPLC, which are normal (or wild) type, white-flowered type, thi ck-rooted type, broad-leaved type I and broad-leaved type Ⅱ. Res ult: Among different types gentiopicroside content is the highest in the roots of thick-rooted type, the contents decrease as following order: norm al type, broad-leaved type I white-flowe red type and broad-leaved type II, and the gentiopicros ide contents in the same type root system are a positive correlation with root a ges, as 3-years-age roots>2-years-age roots>1-year-age varied with roots . Conclusion: The contents of effective constituent vary with the morphological variation in cultivated G. manshurica. It is feasib le to breed a new variety with high effective constituent with the morphol ogical character as a selecting index.[
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第9期841-844,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 黑龙江省教育厅科学技术研究项目 ( 95 5 10 10 )
关键词 育种 形态类型 栽培种 白花 花型 野生 含量 龙胆苦苷 正常 根型 Gentiana manshurica gentiopicroside H PLC
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