介绍工业以太网在珠江电厂DCS中的应用情况 ,包括DCS主干通讯网络结构和DPU分散处理单元低层通讯网络结构 ,并对XDPS 4 0 0系统通讯网络应用情况进行了分析。针对原有系统存在的网络负荷较高和I/O总线通讯速率较低的问题 ,对DCS通讯网络进行了升级改造 :(1)主干网络A、B网从总线以太网升级为光纤虚拟环网 ,并更新工业以太网交换机 ;(2 )DPU低层通讯网从Bitbus升级为以太网 ;(3)非实时控制网 (C网 )从总线结构升级为星型结构 ,采用低廉的DLINK 2 4口交换机连接。升级后 ,网络的实时性、安全性、可靠性、可维护性均得到大幅提高 。
The situation of using industrial ether network in DCS system of Zhujiang Power Plant has been presented, including the structure of main communication network in DCS, and the structure of low level communication network in DPU distributed processing unit, and the situation of using communication network for XDPS400 system being analysed. Directing against the problems existing in the original system, such as the load of network being comparatively high, the communication rate of I/O bus being comparatively low, an upgrading retrofit has been carried out as follows:(1) the main networks A and B are upgraded from bus ether network to opticfiber virtual loop network and the exchanger of industrial ether network being replaced; (2) the DPU low level communication network is upgraded from hitBUS to ether network; (3) the nonreal time control network (C network) is upgraded from bus structure to star structure, and being connected by using low cost DLINK 24 channel exchanger. After upgrading, the real time behavior, safety, reliability, maintainability of the network all to be greatly enhanced, completely satisfying the requirements of power plant control.
Thermal Power Generation