
中国房地产开发投资与GDP的互动关系 被引量:99

Relationship between real estate development investment and GDP in China
摘要 通过 Granger因果检验 ,分析当前中国房地产开发投资和国内生产总值 GDP之间的 Granger因果关系 ;通过广义脉冲响应分析和方差分解分析 ,研究当前中国房地产开发投资和 GDP相互之间的脉冲响应特性。 Granger因果关系检验表明 ,GDP对房地产开发投资存在单向的显著可信的 Granger因果关系 ;广义脉冲响应与方差分解的结果显示 ,GDP对房地产开发投资的影响远大于后者对 GDP的影响。研究结果表明 ,GDP对房地产开发投资有着显著的单向作用 ,当前 After the Asian financial crisis in 1997, closer attention was focused on keeping a healthy relation ship between real estate development investment and the GDP in China. The Granger causality test, generalized impulse response function, and variance decomposition analysis were used to study the relation between real estate development investment and the GDP in China. The Granger causality test shows that there is one-way remarkable Granger causality relationship from GDP to real estate development investment. The generalized impulse response and variance decomposition analysis indicate that the impact of the GDP on real estate development investment is much larger than that of real estate investment on the GDP. Therefore, the results show that GDP strongly affects real estate development investment and the GDP openth treads strongly affect the development of the real estate industry.
作者 沈悦 刘洪玉
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第9期1205-1208,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目 ( 7993 0 5 0 0 )
关键词 房地产开发投资 GDP GRANGER因果检验 广义脉冲响应函数 方差分解 real estate development investment GDP Granger causality test generalized impulse response function variance decomposition analysis
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