电解研磨扩孔是在吸收电解磨削、电解珩磨和金刚石类磨具研磨等技术优点的基础上开发的一种能浮动定心的高效、低成本的孔后处理加工技术。对该技术的工艺原理、表面粗糙度的影响因素、加工精度及磨具电极的使用寿命等方面进行了研究分析。试验结果和初步应用表明 ,该技术能有效去除孔加工后的变质层 (如再铸层等 ) ,改善表面粗糙度 ,降低或消除残余应力 。
Electrochemical abrasive expanding holes technology is an effective, low-cost and flexibly center-position post-machining process on deep holes ,which combines the process advantages of electrochemical grinding ,electrochemical honing and diamond grinding .This paper deals with technical principles ,affecting factors on surface roughness, machining precision and life of the tool electrodes in this technology. Experiments results indicated that this technology can effectively improve surface quality of the machined holes.
Electromachining & Mould