

Dealing With Ectopic IUD Under Hysteroscope
摘要 目的 探讨宫腔镜下迷路宫内节育器 (IUD)取出术的方法。方法 回顾分析了 5 4例应用宫腔镜取出子宫内迷路IUD患者的资料。结果 术中笑气吸入镇痛 ,术时根据类型不同采用不同的手术方法 ;2例异位于子宫外的IUD患者应用小切口开腹取出 ;5 6例迷路IUD均一次取器成功 ,无并发症发生。结论 对迷路IUD的处理方案是不定型的。子宫内迷路IUD患者术中吸入笑气有利于扩张子宫颈 ,手术时视情况采用不同的设备和方法 。 Objective To evaluate the technique of taking ectopic IUD out of uterus under hysteroscope.Methods Ectopic IUDs of 54 cases were taken out under hysteroscope by adopting different techniques of operation.During operation, we used laughing gas (nitrous oxide)to minimize the discomfort of pain. Two ectopic IUDs outside uteri were taken out by using laparotomy with small abdominal incision. Results All of the 56 ectopic IUDs were successfully taken out by once operation only and had no complications. Conclusions Up till now, the operation pattern for ectopic IUD is not definite .Using laughing gas before operation can expand the cervix.Surgeon can individually adopt the different equipments and ways to take the IUD out according to intra-operation situation. Handling ectopic IUD under hystesoscope is of great benefit.
出处 《宁夏医学院学报》 2004年第5期344-346,共3页 Journal of Ningxia Medical College
关键词 宫腔镜 宫内节育器 笑气 Hysteroscopy IUD Result
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