王莽的宗舜代汉固然带有封建血统论的浓厚色彩 ,但其借助圣贤始祖宣扬新朝正统地位的权谋 ,启发了后世华夷政权谋求正统地位时的寻根认祖倾向 ,从而间接推动了宗法大一统政治理念中的民族融合 ;王莽以五行相生原理改造“五德转移”说 ,并首次通过禅让制在信史上实现了异姓王朝的和平转换 ,从而为后世各族政权改朝换代时排除流血冲突提供了新的政治途径 ;王莽的托古改制虽因急功近利、泥古不化而招致失败 ,但其敢为人先的改革精神和重视民生的仁政理念 ,仍对后世统治者产生了一定的正面效应。至于王莽宗舜代汉时迎合“天人感应论”炮制的种种符命祥瑞 ,则肇启了后世谶纬神学和愚民政治的弊端 ;王莽宗舜代汉时采用的种种伪善行为和阴谋手段 ,则成为了后世政治野心家窃权篡国的不二法门 ;王莽代汉后推行的民族歧视政策及其征讨四夷的战争 ,更是激化了汉族同周边少数民族的矛盾 。
Wang Mang’s political tactics of imposing on oracles and primogenitors to replace Han Dynasty were characterized with feudal blood relationship, but his strategies of advocating legitimacy led to Chinese and Foreign regimes worshiping bloodline and obeying primogenitors to obtain legitimacy. The worship promoted national amalgamation in Patriarchal Clan system. Wang mang reformed the theory of “transfer of five elements” in virtue of the principle of mutual promotion of five elements. He realized, for the first time, the peaceful dynasty transfer with demise which was a new political approach to avoid bloody conflicts in regime change. Although Wang mang’s reform failed for his eagerness for quick success and instant benefit and those bigoted ancient believes, his pioneer spirit in reform and the policy of benevolence had positive effect on the subsequent rulers. However, his faked auspicious signs catering to the belief and the policy of fooling people. Wang Mang’s hypocrisy and intrigues were followed by subsequent political aspirants. The national discrimination and the wars against foreigners in his time intensified the contradictions between han and neighboring minolities and became the cause of nation-splitting wars in the period of Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties.
NingXia Social Sciences
Wang Mang
imposing on oracles and primogenitors to replace Han Dynasty
political tactics
historic effect