目的 观察防己对川乌急性毒性实验的影响 ,探讨川乌与防己配伍 (乌防 )后的减毒作用。方法 采用急性毒性实验方法 (即LD50 法 ) ,以川乌与防己配伍前后的水煎液分别给小鼠灌胃。结果 川乌组LD50 16 3 75 7g/kg ,乌防 1∶1组LD50 2 34 15 3g/kg ,乌防 1∶2组LD50 196 981g/kg ,乌防 2∶1组LD50 16 8 4 6 1g/kg。其中川乌组与乌防 1∶1组、乌防 1∶2组相比 ,差异有显著意义 (P <0 0 1,P <0 0 5 )。 结论 防己与川乌配伍能降低川乌的毒性。但是 ,腹腔注射未出现上述结果。
Objective To investigate the acute toxicity of tetrandra root and monkshood root compatibility.Methods Let water immersion solution of tetrandra root and monkshood root compatibility separately to mice.Results Results of acute toxicity experiment are monkshood root LD 50 163.757g/kg,monkshood tetrandra compatibility 1∶1 LD 50 234.153g/kg,monkshood tetrandra compatibility 1∶2 LD 50 196.981g/kg,monkshood tetrandra compatibility 2∶1 LD 50 168.461g/kg.Compatibility back and forth has obvious difference(P<0.01,P<0.05).Conclusion The results indicate monkshood tetrandra compatibility can reduce the toxicity of monkshood root.But ip don't appear that result.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 9670 868)