该研究利用协方差结构模型的方法 ,对青少年的亲子沟通与其行为问题、同伴关系和学业成绩之间的关系进行了考察 ,并就父子沟通和母子沟通对青少年社会适应影响的差异进行了分析 ,最后用多样本比较分析了普通学校初中生和工读学校学生之间的差异。结果表明 :(1 )理论模型与数据吻合很好 ,家庭亲子沟通影响青少年的行为问题、同伴关系和学业成绩。 (2 )父子沟通与母子沟通对学生的同伴关系、行为问题和学业成绩的影响无显著差异。在各观察变量中 ,父子沟通时间和母子沟通态度对青少年的同伴关系有显著影响 ,亲子沟通 (父母 )时间对青少年行为问题的发生有影响。 (3)不同类型学校之间多样本比较表明 ,普通校与工读校的青少年在模型结构上存在差异。工读校的青少年 ,其母亲的沟通态度和选择的沟通场合对同伴关系有显著影响 ,其父亲对沟通场合的选择和母亲的沟通内容对行为问题的发生有显著影响 ,父亲沟通的内容与主动性对青少年的学业成绩有影响。 (4)普通校学生的同伴关系对行为问题没有显著影响 ,但在工读学校 。
The aim of this study was to examine how Parent adolescent Communication (PAC) predict the levels of peer relationship, psychological well being, and school performance of adolescents and to test the difference between father adolescent communication (FAC) and mother adolescent communication(MAC), and the difference between quasi delinquents and normal middle school students.The subjects were 148 juvenile delinquents and 258 middle school students, who were 14 16 of age, completed a series of questionnaire measures and was subjected to structure equation modeling analyses. On the whole, PAC predicted peer relationship and psychological well being, and had both direct and indirect paths to school performance (through peer relationship and psychological well being). There was no difference between FAC and MAC when fixed relevant parameters remained the same. Otherwise, there was significant difference between quasi delinquents subsamples and middle school subsamples by the multi sample contrast test. With quasi delinquents subsamples and middle school subsamples defined as two tested models and the indirect path examined, the result showed that the mediation of peer relationship and psychological well being was supported in quasi delinquent subsamples, but not supported in middle school subsamples.
Journal of Psychological Science