
发酵香肠成熟过程中理化性质变化研究 被引量:43

Changes of Physico-chemical Properties during the Ripening of Fermented Sausages
摘要 按同样的配方和工艺条件生产两组发酵香肠,一组自然发酵(对照组),另一组以干酪乳杆菌6033作为发酵剂(菌种组)。在发酵和成熟期间定时取样,分别测定和观察颜色指标、pH值、Aw值的变化。结果发现:香肠的颜色指标发生了较明显变化,切面的颜色随成熟时间的延长变暗,但对照组和处理组间颜色的变化差异不显著。在发酵和成熟初期,对照组和菌种组发酵香肠pH值均呈现出下降趋势,48h内都降至5.3以下,4d时降至最低,但在随后的成熟期间,两组的pH值又逐渐回升;菌种组pH值在整个生产周期中始终低于对照组。两组发酵香肠的Aw值都呈现出逐渐下降趋势,且菌种组Aw值始终略低于对照组,但差异均不显著。以上结果说明干酪乳杆菌及其酶类对发酵香肠pH值有明显的影响,而对Aw值和色泽影响不大。 The changes of color index, pH value, Aw were determined during fermentation and ripening process from two batchesof fermented sausages [the one was naturally fermented (control) and the other was inoculated Lactobacillus casei 6033(treatedsamples)]. The results showed that: the distinct changes of color index occurred in both batches, and fermented sausages darkledduring the ripening. But there were no significant difference between treated samples and control. The pH values in both batchesdecreased significantly and dropped to lower than 5.3 in 48h. The lowest values occurred on the fourth day. After that, the pHvalues increased gradually with the ripening process. The pH values in inoculated with Lc 6033 were lower than in control duringthe ripening. Aw levels showed degressive trend in both batches and values were lower slightly in treated samples than in control,but no significant difference was found. These experiments conducted indicated that Lc and its proteinases influenced on pHvalue significantly, but on Aw value and color indistinctly of fermented sausage.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第10期63-66,共4页 Food Science
基金 "十五"国家高技术研究发展计划(863)项目(2002AA248031)
关键词 发酵香肠 理化性质 变化 fermented sausage physi-chemical properties change
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