目的 探讨血清前降钙素(PCT)检测在新生儿败血症中的应用价值。方法 对58例疑似新生儿败血症患儿采用半定量固相免疫测定法测定血清PCT水平,PCT水平分为<0.5 ng/ml,0.5-2.0 mg/ml,2.0-<10.0 ng/ml和≥10 mg/ml 4个等级,血清PCT>0.5 ng/ml为阳性阈值。结果 败血症组PCT阳性44例,阳性率75.9%,对照组仅1例阳性,阳性率5.5%,两组有显著差异。结论 血清PCT是新生儿败血症的重要诊断标准,可作为败血症预后判断及治疗监测的指标。
Objective To investigate the application value of the plasma procalcitonin (PCT) levl in neonatal with septicemia. Methods Serum PCT were measured by semi - quantitative soid - phase immunoassay and serum concentration of PCT Ievels were categorized into four groups: < 0.5 ng/ml, 0.5 - 2 ng/ml, 2.0- < 10 ng/ml, and ≥10 ng/ml. A total of 58 neonates with septicemia were enrolled in this study. Serum PCT > 0.5 ng/ml was thershold. Results The positive rate of PCT in 58 neonates with speticemia were 75.9%(44/58) and the that in control group was 5.5%(1/16). There were significant difference in observed group compared with control group. Conclusion Plasma PCT is an innovative and highly specific marker for the diagnosis of severe bacterial infection and sepsis. It is also a good monitor of ther apeutic officienay.
The Journal of Neonatology