深圳宝安区从 1999年开始陆续在凤凰山进行生态风景林改造 ,于 2 0 0 4年设样地调查 ,并对林分改造效果进行了初步分析 ,结果表明 :改造树种选择合理、造林管理措施到位 ,造林成活率都在 95 %以上 ,生态风景林分生长良好 ,1999改造的林分已经形成复层混交林结构 ,2 0 0 1年改造的林分也基本郁闭成林。改造林分在保留原有乔灌木的基础上新增了大量珍贵的乔木树种 ,使林分物种多样性明显增加 ,森林景观明显改善。试验结果对今后生态风景林的营造具有一定的参考意义。
Ecological landscape forests have been afforested Succe ss ively in Phoenix mountain by Baoan district of Shenzhen since 1999. Based on sam ple investi gation, this paper analyzed initially the effect of afforestation. The results i ndicate: because of the reasonable tree species selection and the proper affores tation and management measurements, afforestation survival rate is over 95%, and the ecological landscape forest grows well. The forest afforested in 1999 has f ormed multiple mixed forest construction, and that afforested in 2001 has also a pproached to be closing. Due to the proper afforestation measurement of adding a lot of rare arbor tree species without destroying primary tree species by the g reatest extent, the species diversity has been incresed markedly, and the forest sight has been improved evidently. It has certain reference value for construct ion of ecological landscape forest in the future.
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province