在质的研究中 ,捕捉和分析“本土概念”是了解当事人观点的关键。“本土概念”通常是当事人经常使用的、浸注其情感的、用以表达其看世界方式的那些概念。借助“本土概念”对原始资料进行分析 ,不仅可以帮助研究者深入当事人的内心 ,了解他们的思维方式和意义表达 ,而且可以为研究结果的总体分析提供有用的线索。对“本土概念”的深入挖掘还代表了研究者的一种态度 ,即打破现存学术界的霸权 ,让普通民众的声音进入“科学研究”的领域。
In qualitative research, to capture and analyze the participants' “native concepts” is a key to understand their perspectives and ideas. “Native concepts” are those which are used frequently by the participants to express their views of the world and are charged with their emotions. Using “native concepts” to analyze data can not only help the researcher enter the mind of the participants, to understand their way of thinking and meaning making, but also provide useful leads to the overall analysis of research findings. The in_depth exploration of “native concepts” also indicates the researcher's attitude, i.e. to overthrow the existing monopoly of the academia, and to let the voices of ordinary people into the arena of “scientific research”.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research