本文报道一项英语写作教学改革试验。受试者是广东外语外贸大学英语本科一年级 2 0 1名学生。改革从作文任务的设计、布置、讲评、评估等方面入手 ,通过调节作文长度要求来提高学生的英语水平。试验数据表明 :通过写长作文 ,学生写英语作文的信心增强了 ,他们认为写长作文有助于提高其英语水平。
This paper reports on a one_semester_long experiment on improving Chinese speaking EFL learners' English by means of composition_writing. The subjects consisted of 201 English majors in their first year of study at Guangdong Foreign Studies University.Their compositions were scored against four criteria: length, organization, ideas and language, with length receiving the heaviest weighting. Only good points related to the four criteria were marked with a view to boosting the subjects' confidence in their ability to learn English. Responses to a questionnaire show that the subjects welcomed the new method and consequently felt more confident in their own writing ability and in their use of English.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research