我国知识产权基础理论研究中存在着一些错误观念 ,而且人云亦云 ,以讹传讹。这种状况不利于知识产权法的学习和研究。作者通过对目前流行的知识产权的概念和法律特征的分析批判 ,提出了自己对知识产权的定义 :知识产权是民事主体支配其智力成果、商业标志和其他具有商业价值的信息 ,并排斥他人干涉的权利。知识产权的法律特征是 ,1.保护对象是非物质性的信息 ;2 .是对世权、支配权 ;3.可分地域取得和行使 ;4、具有可分授性。同时 ,对专有性、地域性、法定时间性、国家授予性等所谓特征进行了分析和否定。
There exist some wrong ideas about the research on the fundamental theory of the intellectual property right in China, and the worst thing is that these wrong ideas have been mimicked and rampantly spread, which, it is believed, can do nothing healthful to the study and research of the intellectual property right. The author, accordingly, while presenting the critical analysis of and probing into the concept and its legal character currently discussed nowadays, offers her own explication about the intellectual property right, that is, the intellectual property right refers to a kind of civil right that the intellectual achievements attain; that is controlled by the civil subjects; that is embodied in trade marks and other commercial value and finally that shall be exclusive of any other transgression.
Modern Law Science