

Detection of Chlamydia Trouhomatis and Ureaplases Urealyticum from Lower Female Grenital Tract
摘要 目的 :了解我院妇科门诊患者沙眼衣原体 (CT)、解脲支原体 (UU)感染情况及感染者年龄分布特点。方法 :用DNA -聚合酶链反应方法 ,检测 2 2 1例患者下生殖道CT、UU。结果 :(1)检出率CT为 5 3 8% ,UU为42 0 % ,CT +UU为 33 4% ;(2 ) 2 2 1例中检测呈阳性 138例 ,高峰年龄组 2 5~ 2 9岁 ,占 42 8% ;2 0~ 39岁占92 9%。不孕组 9例 ,检测阳性 6例 (6 6 6 % )。结论 :(1)应高度重视妇女CT、UU感染 ;(2 )不孕组检测结果提示CT和 (或 )UU感染与妇女不孕症有关。 Objective:In order to understand the presention condition of chlamydia trachomatis (CT)、Ureaplasm Urealytieum (UU) infection in the patients of gynecogoly out-patient department of our hospital, and the characteristcs of the different age groups of infective cases. Method: 221 secretion samples from the female lower genital tract of the out-patient department patients were collected and detected by DNA-polymer as chain reaction technigue. Results: (1)The detective rate of CT、UU and CT+UU were 53 8%、42 0%、33 4% separately. (2)138 out of the 221 samples were positive . The pinnacle of age group was 25~29 years (42 8%). The incidence rate of 20~39 years reached 92 9%(128/138). Otherwise, the positive rate of infertility group diagnesd by doctors reached 66 6%(6/9). Conclusion:(1)more attention should be paid to the CT、UU infection of female genital tract especially in their reproduction age, (2) the results also showed that there were some certain relationships between CT、UU infection and infertility.
作者 王焰
出处 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 2001年第2期125-126,共2页 Journal of Guiyang Medical College
关键词 衣原体 沙眼 尿素支原体 感染 生殖器 女性 chlamydia trachomatis ureaplasma infection genitalia, female
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