安徽黟县的皖南明清古民居群是世界文化遗产 ,本文在对西递、宏村和南屏三个古村落调查的基础上 ,整理出旅游对古村落的经济、社会文化和环境的影响指数 ,并对比旅游对三个古村落的影响程度 ,分析了古村落旅游发展影响效应已呈现出的阶段性特点 ,即西递的旅游影响效应要高于宏村和南屏。并指出目前中国古村落的旅游发展过程中存在着相似的模式 :古村落的保护、规划和旅游开发是旅游可持续发展的生命轴线 ,其中社区村民和地方政府是两个最重要影响因素 ,在古村落的旅游发展过程中 ,双方应在考虑到彼此的利益的前提下 ,达成良性的互动机制 ,以确保古村落旅游的可持续发展。
The ancient villages in Southern Anhui of Yixian county have become world cultural legacy in 2000. During the previous several years, tourism industry of the ancient villages in Southern Anhui is developing gradually, but tourism development of the ancient villages possesses speciality. There for inquiring the impact on the ancient villages is very necessary in the course of tourism development of the ancient villages. By the case of Xidi, Hongcun and Nanping, This paper gets the tourist synthetical impact index of 3 ancient villages on the foundation gone on investigating villages continuously two years from 1999 to 2000. The tourist synthetical impact index includes the economic impact index, sociculture impact index and environmental impact index. This paper analyzes economic, sociocultural and environmental impact on tourist by comparing the tourism development of 3 ancient villages. The essay has finally pointed out that the tourist impact effect of the ancient villages in southern Anhui now has appeared, Also in other words the tourist impact effect on Xidi is more than that on Hongcun and Nanping. In view of the above, the author puts forward at present the similar model that exists in the course of tourism development of Chinese ancient villages: (1)the tourist impact effect possesses stage in the course of tourism development of the ancient villages; (2)the protection, planning and development of the ancient villages are the life axis of sustainable development. (3)Community villagers and local government are the most important factor influencing sustainable development. Tourism development of the ancient villages, which has established the better mechanism moving mutually between community villager and local government, will center on the life axis of development in reality, in order to ensure sustainable development of the ancient villages.
Human Geography
Yixian county
ancient villages in southern Anhui
tourism impact