本文以体育和地理共同关注的空间和地方作为切入点 ,介绍和分析了体育与地理的联系、体育地理的兴起和发展状况 ,继而提出了体育文化地理解析的概念框架 ,并在此框架下 ,讨论了体育地理学研究的主要领域和核心内容。最后文章扼要指出了我国体育地理学研究的潜力和优势 ,认为体育地理研究将在我国大有可为。
Both sports and geography are spatial sciences. The geographical concept of space and place are central to not only a definition of sport but also to an enhanced understanding of sports significance. As an epiphenomenona, sport is marginalized in economic, cultural and physical studies. There are signs that in the last two decades a sub discipline called sports geography has arrived. Space and place, which both sports and geographical concerns, are dealed with as a cutting in point in sports geographic approaches. This paper introduces the progress in sports geography and analyses the relation ship between sports and geography. Afterwards, a conceptual framework for geographic studies of sports culture is provided. Basing on the framework, the key realm and core content about sports geography are discussed: sports geography is concern with the exploration of sports culture and how the spatial distribution of sport has changed over time-the origin and spatial diffusion of sports culture; spatial organization and optimal location selection of sports activities; the different character of sports culture in different region; the changing character of the sports landscape and the making of prescriptions for spatial and environmental change in sports environment; spatial interaction in sports. Lastly the paper indicates that the unique situation of China offers an advantaged condition for approach to geography of sports. It is just why sports geography studies will have potential and superiority in china. From the points of view of geography, developing research on sports geography play a great part in at least the followings: plentiful culture of Chinese traditional needs sports to trace its source in aspect of cultural geography; multinational population structure needs to discuss the law of origin and diffusion of traditional folk game; far flung territory provides a plenty of research matter; body excises and competitive sports needs to research site selection from the points of view of locational theory; professionalization and industrialization of sports needs to deal with optimizing collocation of sports resource in point of economic geography. China has a vast territory and differ in entironment. There exists different sports events in various terrain and climate region. Otherwise, restricted by lower economy strength, China cant develop each sports event in every region. Therefore it is of realistic significance in investgating the relation ship betweens setting sports events and environment and appraising their flexibility.
Human Geography
sports culture
sports geography