
权利冲突的几个理论问题 被引量:331

On Several Theoretical Issues relating to the Contradiction of Rights
摘要 在中国的法治进程中,权利冲突已经成为一个非常普遍的法律现象并广泛地存在于法制的各个环节之中,尤其是存在于司法审判中和日常生活中。本文作者通过对司法审判中和日常生活中权利冲突典型案例的分析和观察,提出了一些值得我们重视的法律理论问题,如权利冲突的界限,权利冲突的实质,权利冲突的原因,权利冲突的解决原则,权利冲突的功能等等。作者认为,要解决好权利冲突问题,有几个关键点应该强调:其一,是要确立一个权利平等保护的观念,而这一看似已经解决了的简单的问题,其实还存在着很大的认识误区;其二,权利冲突的解决是一个法制机制的综合性的作用过程,而不只是靠一个单一的法制机制的解决手段;其三,在综合性的法制机制中,作者更加看重和强调立法对于解决权利冲突的作用和意义。 In the process of developingthe rule of law in China,the conflict of rights has become a universal phenomenon existing in every link of the legal system,especially in judicial trial and in people's daily life.Through the analysis and observation of typical cases involving the conflict of rights in judicial trial and people's daily life,the author raised some noteworthy questions of legal theory,such as the demarcation line,the essence,te causes,and the functions of the conflict of rights and principles for the resolution of xuch conflict.The author held that,inorder to ensure a satisfactory resolution of the conflict of rights,emphasis should be laid on the following key points:firstly,the most important point is to establish the concept of equality protection of rights.There are still some serious misunderstandings concerning this seemingly very simple and already resolved issue;secondly,the resolution of the confict of rights is a comprehensive process involving the interaction of many leagal mechanism,ratherthan a process depending on only one single legal mechanism;thirdly,among the various legal mechanisms,more emphasis is laid by the author on the role and the significance of legislation in the resolution of the conflict of rights.
作者 刘作翔
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第2期56-71,共16页 China Legal Science
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  • 9朱彤等文:《财产权怎能高于人身权》,引自《中国青年报》2000年3月20日。虽然姚丽通过法律为自己讨回了公正,但在记者发此稿之时,姚丽还未接到银行的任何通知。
  • 10之所以说“暂且”,是因为这一原则本身也是值得质疑的。哪种权利和利益优先,应该根据不同的境况作出不同的安排。不能说,国家利益、国家权利在任何情况下都是优先的和最高的;也不能说,个人利益、个人权利在任何情况下都是滞后考虑的、最低的和最不重要的。并且,它们之间还存在着一个互动的辩证关系。改革20年来,我们逐渐地克服了国家至上的国家主义弊端,加强了对个人利益、个人权利的尊重和维护。这是改革的一大成果,也是我们在理论上的一大收获。





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