选取 3、4、5年级学生和他们的母亲各 6 94人 ,采用小学儿童母亲行为问卷、自尊问卷(SEI)与小学儿童母亲背景问卷进行施测 ,对小学儿童自尊与其母亲行为之间的关系进行了探讨。结果表明 :(1)在小学 3- 5年级儿童中 ,自尊得分与母亲的各种支持行为之间的相关均不显著 ;除母亲陪伴性和情感性的不支持行为外 ,工具性、信息性和极端性的不支持行为与自尊得分之间呈现出显著或极其显著的负相关 ;不支持行为变量组对儿童的自尊水平具有极其显著的预测作用 ,而支持行为变量并未引起回归方程的显著变化。 (2 )宽松型、支配干涉型、温暖型与严厉型母亲行为教养下的儿童自尊得分具有显著的差异 ,其中宽松型母亲教养下的儿童自尊明显高于严厉型。 (3)母亲的行为类型与儿童的年龄、性别、独生与否及母亲的年龄、职业与受教育水平、城乡因素在儿童自尊上均不存在显著的交互作用。
The Wuestionnaire of Maternal Behavior of Primary Schooldhildren, the Self-Esteem Inventory(SEI) and the Wuestionnaire of Maternal Background Factors were administered to the 3, 4 and 5 graders of primary schools and their mothers from rural and urban areas to investigate the relation of maternal behavior to children's self-esteem. The results were as follows:(1)among all children no significant correlation was foud between wupportive maternal behaviors and children's self-esteem, but significant or extremely significant negative correlations were found between instrumental, informative and extreme unsupportive maternal behaviors and children's self-esteem; in contrast with the nonsignificant predicting effect of suportive maternal behavior group, the unsupportive maternal behavior group had a remarkable predicting deeect on children's self-esteem.(2)Significant difference existed among the self-esteem scores of children raised under the four types of mothers and their correspondent behaviors, especially between the loosebound type and the strict type, with the former more higher.(3)no significant interaction was found among the vaiables of the maternal behavior type, children's age, gender, whether single or not, and the mother's age, occupation, educational level, whether urban or rural.
Psychological Development and Education