首先介绍在海缆埋设施工中海缆埋设机定位存在的困难,通过对 BP 网络特性的研究,提出将该网络运用于海缆埋设机定位的思路,并对运用埋设机的磁场特性参量和相对布缆船的位置参量进行定位的方法进行探讨和研究。研究表明,利用该网络对海缆埋设机定位可以满足所需定位精度,该方法是可行的。
In this paper,the troubles on the machine of burying submarine cable location are introduced,and gave thoughts of using BP network on burying machine location through studying the characteristic of BP network.Then,In the paper,introduced the method that how to use the magnetic field parameters and its location parameters to realize the location are stydued.The result shows this method can be used in the machine of burying submarine cable location.
Electronic Measurement Technology