数学教育改革是社会前进的必然趋势,新的数学课程标准促进了教师教学和学生学习方式的改变.从我国多年来数学教育的实践可以看到,中国的数学教育的重点偏重了“ 数学”,忽视了“ 教育”.进行数学教育改革,应该改变传统的应试制度,采用在标准基础上的评价制度.
The reform of mathematics education was an inevitable outcome of the progress of society. The new mathematics curriculum and Instruction had promoted the changes in teaching and learning mathematics in K-12. Based on many years Chinese mathematics teaching practice, the focus of mathematics education in China stressed “mathematics” rather than “education”. To successfully reform mathematics education in China, it’s necessary to consider the change of examination system based on the new mathematics standards.
Journal of Mathematics Education