研究了抗静电用氧化锌晶须对热硫化硅橡胶的硫化特性、力学性能及电性能的影响。结果表明 :在硅橡胶硫化初期氧化锌晶须能加速硫化反应、在硫化后期延迟硫化反应 ,可提高其最低扭矩和最高扭矩 ;硫化胶的硬度增加 ,拉伸强度、扯断伸长率有所降低 ,表面电阻率和体积电阻率降低。
The effect of antistatic zinc oxide whisker on the vulcanized,mechanical and electrical properties of heat vulcanized(HTV)silicone rubber was investigated.The results showed that antistatic zinc oxide whisker could accelerate vulcanization reaction in the initial stage but delayed in the later stage,in the vulcanization process of silicone rubber,and improve minimum torque(M L) and maximum torque(M H) of compound.The tensile strength,tensile elongation,surface resistivity and volume resistivity of the vulcanized silicone rubber were reduced while its hardness was increased.
Silicone Material