我国著名科学家钱学森在探索系统科学的基础科学———系统学的过程中 ,与西方科学家几乎同时提出了复杂性科学的问题 ,构建了具有与西方复杂性研究径路不甚相同的中国复杂性研究纲领 ,提出了从定性到定量的综合集成方法和综合集成研讨厅体系 ,并带领其系统学研究班的成员对几类特殊的复杂巨系统———人脑系统、人体系统、社会系统、地理系统等做了详细的研究。以钱学森为代表的中国复杂性研究者对复杂性研究的方法论提出了独到的见解 ,但在学理上还不够深入 。
When the famous scientist QIAN Xue-sen quested the systematology-the foundation of system science,he found the problem of complexity,then he constructed the research programme for Chinese complexity researchers,brought up the methodology so called meta-synthesis and the hall for work shop of meta-synthetic engineering for the complex systems,and studied the few special open complex giant systems such as person brain system,human body system,social system,geography system etc.together with the members of his systematology research group.
Journal of Systemic Dialectics