
大学学科课程研究性教学模式的构建 被引量:25

Construction on Course Studying Teaching Model of the University
摘要 大学学科课程研究性教学模式主要适用于专业核心课程的教学。它的核心理念是人本教学理念、权变中心理念、主体有序互动理念和发展性能力养成理念 ;主要方式是基本知识与经典理论交往式教学、课题研究汇报教学和课题研讨评点教学 ;目标指向是学生的发展性能力养成。 University course studying teaching model is generally suitable for particular course teaching, its key ideas being human teaching idea, flexibility in tactics centre idea, principal part inter-active teaching idea and development ability fostering idea. And its main model is basic knownledge and classical theory inter-course teaching model, problem studying report-teaching, and proble discuss-teaching, the purpose direction is students' development ability fostering.
作者 沈云林
机构地区 长沙大学政法系
出处 《现代大学教育》 2004年第5期14-18,共5页 Modern University Education
关键词 大学 学科课程 研究性教学 权变中心 培养目标 course studying teaching human teaching flexibility in tactics centre principal part inter-active development ability.
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