新颁布的《民族区域自治法》是构建我国民族法学基本学科和学科体系的理论基石。本文所论述的民族法学虽然是法学与民族学相互衔接与交叉的学科 ,但该学科的内容主要是指建立在《民族区域自治法》基础之上的、关于多民族国家调整国内民族关系的法律规范的学说。其体系不同于过去从民族学、人类学的视角提出的框架结构 ,而是一门有别于“法人类学”、“法民族学”和“少数民族习惯法学”的新兴法学学科。民族法学作为法学的一门分支学科 ,它是在我国不断加强民族法制建设的历史条件下产生和发展起来的 。
The 2001 Regional National Autonomy Law is the theory cornerstone of the establishment of the courses and disciplinary system of science of ethnic law in China. As an interdisciplinary domain that grows between ethnology and science of law, thispaper argues,science of ethnic lawis especially a set of theory, which is in line with the Regional National Autonomy Law and related to the legal norms that regulatethe ethnic relationship in the multi-nationalityChina. The system of the discipline is different from whatis established under the views of ethnology or anthropology. It is a new domain, instead of anthropology of law, ethnologyof law or the science of the ethnic common law. As a branch of the science of law, the discipline establishes and grows as ethnic legal system is strengthening inChina. So it is a reflection of social development of China.
Ethno-National Studies
国家"2 11"工程建设重点项目 教重办 [2 0 0 2 ]第 2号
国家民委 2 0 0 2年重点项目 民委发 [2 0 0 2 ]12 7号