以不同水稻品种为试材,研究了籽粒多胺含量与灌浆进程的关系,结果表明:在灌浆期 ,籽粒多胺含量依次为:腐胺穴PUT雪>亚精胺SPD>精胺SPM;随花后时间的推移,各种胺 含量逐渐减小。势粒中,SPD与PUT变化趋势大致相同,在雪灌浆期呈下降趋势;在灌浆 后期,各品种籽粒SPD和PUT含量差别不大,SPM含量下降幅度较PUT和SPD小。常规稻沈 农8714与沈农 8801在不同灌浆阶段SPD含量均高于杂交稻辽优18与辽优3225。弱势粒 中, 不同品种多胺含量在整个灌浆期间差别均较大, PUT、SPD和SPM含量降低速度均 较快, 而且峰谷出现的时间也提前。PUT含量最高时灌浆速率最大沈农8801, SPM 对 灌浆后期籽粒充实起主要作用。
s: With different panicle types of rice varieties as materials, the studies on the relationship between polyamines of grain and grain filling were carried out. The results showed that the contents of polyamines in the grain were PUT>SPM>SPD, and they de-creased in the filling period. For superior grains, SPD became to decrease with the same tendency as PUT during the filling period. In the late filling stage, the contents of SPD and PUT in all varieties were at the same level. The decreasing degree of SPM was less than those of PUT and SPD. The contents of SPD of Shennong 8714 and Shennong 8801 were more than those of hybrids, Liaoyou 18 and Liaoyou 3225. For inferior grains, among different varieties, the contents of polyamines were different, PUT, SPD and SPM declined fast, and the time of valley in the curve came in advance. When the content of PUT was highest, the filling rate was getting highest correspondingly. The filling was accelerated with the increase of SPM contents in grains at the late filling stage.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University
国家"863"项目2001A A 241015