
虚拟装配环境中的装配模型表达技术研究 被引量:26

Product information representation in integrated virtual assembly environment
摘要 针对虚拟装配领域常用产品模型表达方法的信息完整性与操作效率之间的矛盾,提出面向过程的装配模型复合表达法,并应用于集成虚拟装配系统。该方法的装配模型主要包括层次结构的装配树模型、复合表达的零件模型、面向过程的约束模型和路径模型。零件采用B-rep、面片和凸包等3种模型复合表达。集成虚拟装配系统的测试结果表明,该模型表达方法能够满足虚拟装配过程的信息表达要求,并能较好地支持虚拟装配过程中的实时交互。 In order to solve the conflict between information completeness and operation efficiency of a product model in virtual assembly domain, a compounded method of representing the product information was presented and applied to Integrated Virtual Assembly Environment (IVAE). According to the method, an assembly model mainly included four models: an assembly tree with hierarchical structure, a part model with compounded form, a constraint model and a path model object to assembling process. A part had three kinds of models: a B-rep model, a facet model and a convex hull model, and they were respectively used in representing information, display, interaction and collision detection. The results in IVAE showed that the method could meet the needs of information representation, and support the real time display and interaction commendably at the same time.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期1364-1369,共6页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 上海市科委重大资助项目(025115007)。~~
关键词 虚拟现实 虚拟装配 产品信息表达 virtual reality virtual assembly product information representation
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