
产肠毒素大肠杆菌混合载体疫苗的免疫原性评价 被引量:2

Evaluation of Immunogenicity of the Mixed Vector Vaccine Against Human Enterotoxigenic Escherchia coli
摘要 本研究在构建表达ETEC菌毛抗原CFA/I、CS6和CS3、融合肠毒素LTB/STm的混合活载体疫苗的基础上 ,以两株福氏志贺载体疫苗 ,同等剂量相混合进行免疫。通过口服免疫 ,该混合多价活疫苗能够诱导机体产生相应的抗ETEC特异的血清和黏膜抗原抗体反应 ,达到了与各单独疫苗株一致的免疫效果 ,同时保持了载体志贺菌自身的免疫原性。 In the present study, a mixed live multivalent oral vaccine against human enterotoxigenic Escherchia coli(ETEC)comprising of two Shigella vector strains harboring different ETEC antigens genes was developed on the basis of construction of the mixed live vector vaccines to express the ETEC fimbrial antigen CFA/1, CS6, CS3 and fusion enterotoxin LTB/STm. Following intragastric immunization into BALB/c mice with the mixed vaccines, the serum and mucosal antibody reactions against ETEC antigens could be elicited, The identical immunogenicity was obtained as the individual vaccine strains, while that immunogenicity of the Shigella vector vaccine still maintained.
出处 《现代免疫学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期482-485,共4页 Current Immunology
关键词 ETEC疫苗 载体疫苗 口服免疫 ETEC vaccine vector vaccine oral immunization
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