从世界农业发展目标、我国农业发展水平、农业结构调整、农业现代化实现途径和科研院所科技体制改革要求等五个方面论述了加强农业科技成果转化的极端重要性 ,同时也探讨了造成当前农业科研院所科技成果转化工作还比较薄弱的一些制约因素。并在此基础上 ,围绕着进一步转变农业科研院所的运行机制 ,加强对科技成果转化工作的支持和协调环节 ,以及建立农业科技园区作为成果转化的路径选择等方面 ,提出了一些促进农业科技成果转化的对策措施。
The importance of accelerating the transformation of agrotechnical achievements is discussed from five aspects including agricultu ral development goals of the world, agricultural development level of our countr y; structural adjustment of agriculture, ways of realizing agricultural moderniz ation and reform of scientific research system. Some factors restricting the tra nsformation of technological achievements in agricultural scientific research in stitutes are also discussed. Based on the above discussion,some countermeasures to accelerate the transformation of agrotechnical achievements are proposed in t erms of furthering the change of operational mechanism in agricultural scientifi c research institution, strengthening the support and coordination of the transf oration of agrotechnical achievements and establishing agrotechnical parks.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai