
湿地松、火炬松扦插繁殖技术研究 被引量:17

Propagation Techniques of Slash and Loblolly Pine by Cuttings
摘要 对影响湿地松、火炬松扦插生根的基质、生根剂及浓度、插穗状况、扦插季节、扦插方式、扦插后管理等因子进行了研究。较佳的扦插技术组合为:用砂性土作基质,在冬季或早春采集当年生半木质化的基部萌条,湿地松用生根剂1号低浓度,火炬松用生根剂1号或2号中等浓度浸泡15h,插后保温保湿并定期喷洒营养液,生根率可达95%以上。温室扦插苗在5月上旬以前移入大田,当年生扦插苗高达33~44cm,主侧根发达,可出圃造林。扦插苗的单位成本为实生苗的102%~152%,加上遗传增益,扦插苗可在生产上推广使用。 Research on the propagation techniques of slash and loblolly pine by cuttings had been carried out for 3 years. The best propagation techniques are as follows: using medium size sand soil as medium,collecting the juvenile semi-woody cuttings, they were treated with rooting powder No.1 (low concentration) for slash pine and No.1 and No.2 (medium Concentration) for loblolly pine. The mist chamber should be used for raising rooting %. The rooting % may reach 95%. The height of 1-year old cuttings of slash and loblolly pine are 39~45cm with well developed root system. In comparison with the seedlings, the cost of the cutting is 2%~52% higher than that of the seedlings.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第5期493-498,共6页 Forest Research
基金 世界银行国外松科研推广项目 林业部种苗管理总站合作研究项目 "八五"国家攻关项目"湿地松 火炬松建筑 纸浆材良种选育"
关键词 湿地松 火炬松 扦插 繁殖 slash pine, loblolly pine, propagation techniques
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  • 1[美]H·T·哈特曼等 著,郑开文等.植物繁殖原理和技术[M]中国林业出版社,1985.




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