本文根据《中国文物地图册·陕西省分册》所提供的资料对陕西仰韶文化聚落群进行研究。陕西仰韶文化聚落群共 74个 ,聚落遗址 1 91 8处 ,可分为特级聚落、一级聚落、二级聚落和三级聚落 ,展示了金字塔形的社会等级结构。尤其是以庙底沟类型为主体的聚落群 ,为我们研究当时的社会性质提供了重要信息。
According to Shaanxi Province Book of Chinese Cultural Relics Atlas,the article researches the settlement clusters of Yangshao culture in Shaanxi province.Shaanxi province includes 74 settlement clusters and 1918 settlement sites.They are divided into the special-class,the first-class, the second-class and the third-class settlements,which showes the pyramidal social hierarchy.Especially the settlement clusters composed mainly of Miaodigou type offer us important information for researching the social quality.
Cultural Relics of Central China