
微波辐射条件下季戊四醇双缩醛和双缩酮化合物的合成 被引量:21

Synthesis of Pentaerythritol Diacetals from Aldehydes and Ketones under Microwave Irradiation
摘要 微波辐射硫酸锆 -硅胶催化季戊四醇与醛、酮缩合反应 ,高收率制得了双缩醛和双缩酮化合物 .该方法操作简便 ,收率高 ,催化剂可重复使用 。 The pentaerythritol diacetals were effectively synthesized through condensation reaction of pentaerythritol with aldehydes and ketones promoted by zirconium sulfate-silica gel under microwave irradiation. The easy procedure provided a neat environment-friendly synthetic method for pentaeryffiritol diacetals in high yields and the catalyst was reusable.
出处 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期1485-1488,共4页 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金 (No.2 9872 0 1 1 ) 教育部高等学校青年骨干教师基金 河北省教育厅基金 (No.990 1 0 4 )资助项目
关键词 微波辐射 季戊四醇 缩合反应 催化剂 硫酸锆-硅胶 microwave diacetal pentaerythritol aldehyde ketone synthesis
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