
双歧杆菌&微囊化双歧杆菌 被引量:1

Bifidobacteria and Microcapsulated Bifidobacteria
摘要 双歧杆菌作为人体有益的生理菌群 ,从人出生一周内即终生定殖于肠道内 ,对人体健康发挥重要作用。本文讲述双歧杆菌的主要生理功能 ,也指出目前双歧杆菌微生态制剂产品不耐氧气、不耐胃酸的局限性。同时 ,介绍了一种应用微囊化技术生产双歧杆菌微生态制剂以提高双歧杆菌耐氧、耐酸性能的方法。 Bifidobacterium constitute an important part of the indigenous microbiota and play the most important role on the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. These microorganisms commence at birth and bifidobacteria become predominant in infants within one week. The following describes the beneficial attributes of dominance bifidobacterium , and many commercial products that contain living microorganisms of human intestinal origin used to improve “intestinal balance”are now available. However, bifidobacterium are weak of surviving in an oxygen and gastric acid environment, a microcapsulated method though promotes high levels of bifidobacterium in the intestinal tract are introduced in this paper.
出处 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 2004年第6期69-72,共4页 China Food Additives
关键词 双歧杆菌 微囊化 胃酸 菌群 人体健康 肠道 出生 微生态制剂 定殖 生理 Bifidobacteria,Microcapsulated,Microecology
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