
略论知青作家视野中的知青历史 被引量:3

Brief Accounts on the History of the Educated Youth within the Horizon of the Educated Youth Writers
摘要 由于创作主体身份的不同 ,对知青上山下乡这一段历史的解读也存在明显的差异 :知青出身的作家 ,往往感情代替理智 ,解说历史时不由自主地用虚构的历史或历史真实的某些方面代替全部遭遇的历史真实 ;而非知青出身的作家 ,虽然以旁观者的身份撰写历史 ,但难免以偏概全。所以未来知青小说的走向 ,就是以客观公正的态度 ,启开尘埃遮蔽的历史 。 This paper has discussed the differenee of the novels obout the educated youth written by the educated youth status and non-educated youth dignity novelists(from its emergering to the update).They use different methods of understanding and explaining the affection of the history of the educated youth .They wrote ‘the real history'or only make-up a story.The move trend of the novels on the educated youth history will be created fairly and objectivelly really in the future.
作者 王源
出处 《甘肃教育学院学报(社会科学版)》 2000年第2期30-33,共4页 Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)
关键词 知青作家 知青历史 解读方式 the educated youth writers history of the educated youth method of understanding
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