对于公共行政来说 ,近代发展起来的官僚制组织结构和体制 ,是一个责任中心主义的体系 ,它在形式合理性和工具理性的原则下 ,片面追求行政责任的制度化设计 ,忽视了行政人员的信念以及建立在信念基础上的道德责任 ,以至于官僚制在今天已经成了官僚主义的代名词。其实 ,任何责任都是建立在信念的基础上的 ,只是有了某种信念 ,人们才会产生相应的责任意识。在中国古代的社会治理理念中 ,包含着对“德治”的强调 ,它的现代合理性就在于突出了行政人员的信念因素。公共行政是以为人民服务为根本宗旨的 ,政府的体制设置和行政人员的行政行为都必须建立在公共利益至上的信念基础上 ,只有这样 ,政府才可能成为一个对人民负责的公共行政体系。
As far as public administration is concerned, the bureaucratic structure developed in modern times is a responsibility based system. And yet, paying undue attention to the institutionalization design of administrative responsibility, and overlooking the administrative personnel's convictions and moral responsibilities built on such convictions, the bureaucratic system has practically become a synonym for bureaucracy under the principles of formal rationality and instrument rationality. In fact, there is no responsibility that is not built on any conviction. It is only with certain conviction can people generate a sense of responsibility accordingly. The modern rationality of the “rule of virtue', as emphasized in the social governance idea in ancient China, lies exactly in its highlighted bureaucratic conviction factors. Since public administration is basically aimed at serving the general public, the establishment of governmental system and the administrative act of executive personnel must be based on the public interest supremacy conviction. Only in this way can a government become a public administrative system that holds itself responsible for its people.
Journal of Renmin University of China