
唐五代敦煌棉花种植研究——兼论棉花从西域传入内地的问题 被引量:21

Cotton Growing in Dunhuang during the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties:Was Cotton Introduced into the Interior via the Western Region?
摘要 早在魏晋南北朝时期,新疆吐鲁番已有棉花种植。学术界普遍认为,敦煌与吐鲁番气候相似,交通便利,因此敦煌也应有棉花种植,其证据主要是敦煌文书中有大量的“”。其实,“”除指棉花、棉布外,还有毛布或毛织品这一涵义。晚唐五代时期敦煌文书中的“”并不是指棉花,而是指毛布。敦煌文书《官布籍》中的官布也是毛布,并非棉布。唐五代时不仅敦煌,就是内地也还没有棉花种植。棉花并没有通过西域,经河西走廊传入内地。宋元之际在陕右种植的棉花,应该不是原来新疆种植的棉花,也不是经河西走廊传入的,而是其他的棉种,可能是从南方传入的。 Cotton was grown in Turpan,Xinjiang,in as early as the Wei,Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties.Researchers commonly believe that cotton was also grown in Dunhuang,which had a similar climate and convenient transportation links.Their main evidence for this view is the fact that a Chinese character, xie (NFDF4),frequently appear in Dunhuang texts.However,in addition to cotton and cotton cloth,the character can also refer to woolen fabrics.In the Dunhuang texts of the Tang and the Five Dynasties,the character was used mainly to refer to wool rather than cotton.The “official cloth” in the Records of Official Cloth (官布籍),a Dunhuang document,was also wool instead of cotton.In the time of the Tang and the Five Dynasties,cotton was not grown in Dunhuang or the interior,nor was it introduced to the interior via the Western Region and the Hexi Corridor.The type of cotton grown in Shanyou in the Song and Yuan dynasties was,we believe,different from that originally grown in Xinjiang.It was not introduced via the Hexi Corridor,but may have come from the south.
作者 刘进宝
出处 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期27-40,共14页 Historical Research
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