通过对福建省邵武市的马褂木等 7种阔叶树对比试验林的调查 ,分析 7种不同阔叶树林分的生长效果 ,结果表明 :在Ⅱ立地级上生长速率最大的是鹅掌楸 ,其次是桤木和闽粤栲 ;在Ⅲ立地级上生长最快的是鹅掌楸和火力楠 ,而桤木生长较差 ;鹅掌楸具有较强的适应性 。
The results showed that the one with highest growth speed was Liriodendron chinese at Ⅱ site grade,the ones with second-highest growth speed were Alnus cremastogyne and Castanopsis fissa;the ones who growed fastest were Liriodendron chinense and Michelia macclurei at Ⅲ site grade,whereas alder growed relatively poorly;Liriodendron chinense possessed relatively strong adaptivity,and was a kind of rational short-cycle industrial raw material forest tree species.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology