
AUSM+格式的改进 被引量:26

Improvement of AUSM+ scheme
摘要 为了提高AUSM+格式对流场计算中激波和剪切流的分辨率,减小数值振荡和激波后数值过冲问题,本文在原有AUSM+格式的基础上经过数值研究分析,对AUSM+格式进行了声速、特征马赫数的处理方式,对网格界面马赫数等进行了改进,并用改进后的AUSM+格式求解了含有脱体激波、斜激波、剪切流、膨胀扇、及湍流边界层等流动特征的复杂流动。经典型算例检验证实,改进后的AUSM+格式对激波和剪切流的分辨率得到了加强,求解的准确性和收敛性有一定的提高。改进后的AUSM+格式继承了原AUSM+格式优点,计算处理问题能力增强,可以有效地应用于亚声、跨声和高超声流动的工程实际问题中。 The AUSM + scheme was modified based on the analysis of the original AUSM + scheme in order to increase the accuracy of computation for discontinuity, such as shock wave and shear flow, decrease the numerical oscillation behind the shock wave and shear flow near the wall. All the improvements proposed in the paper include the modification on the sound speed, the mean Mach number and characteristic Mach number at the interface of mesh. The improved scheme was used to simulate several 2D flow fields which had shock wave, shear flow, rarefaction wave, shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction and the combination of them. Some comparisons between the improved and original scheme were given through several numerical experiments. The results show that the improved AUSM + scheme has higher resolution for discontinuity, especially for the shock and shear flow, it also has more accurate solution and faster convergence for the viscous flow.
作者 梁德旺 王可
出处 《空气动力学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期404-409,共6页 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica
基金 国家863基金资助项目 项目编号2002A723020.
关键词 AUSM+格式 激波 马赫数 流场计算 湍流边界层 流动特征 数值研究 求解 收敛性 复杂流动 Convergence of numerical methods Flow of fluids Shear flow Shock waves Turbulent flow Viscous flow
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