目的 探讨CA1 9- 9和CEA检测在胰头癌诊断中的意义。方法 分析6 0例胰头癌患者的检测结果,分组比较CA1 9- 9与TBil、肿瘤大小、分期及CEA与肿瘤分期的关系,t检验分析其差异。结果 胆红素<2mg/d1组、2~1 0mg/d1组分别与>2 0mg/d1组比较,CA1 9- 9水平差异显著,P <0 .0 1、P <0 .0 5 ;Ⅱ~Ⅲ期与Ⅳ期比较CEA水平差异显著(P <0 .0 5 ) ,其它各组间比较无差异。肿瘤大小及分期各组间比较CA1 9- 9水平无显著差异。结论 CA1 9- 9水平与肿瘤大小、分期无关,而黄疸达到一定程度才有可能影响CA1 9- 9水平,可能归因于肝功能受损的严重程度,CEA与肿瘤的远隔转移特别是肝转移有关。
Objective To investigate the effect of the CA19-9 and CEA detection in the diagnosis of head of pancreas carcinoma.Methods To analyzed the detective results of 60 cases head of pancreas carcinomas, the relation can be compared in CA19-9 with TBiL, tumor size, grade and CEA with tumor grade, to analyzed the difference with t significance test.Results Comparing the TBil<2mg/d1 group, 2~10mg/d1 group with the>20mg/d1, there is obvious difference (P< 0.01, < 0.05 respectively); the difference is obvious in comparing with CEA level of the stage Ⅰ~Ⅲ and stage Ⅳ(P< 0.05). The difference can not be seen in other groups, and it can not be seen in the comparison of the groups in tumor size and stage too.Conclusion No difference can be seen in the CA19-9 level with the tumor size and stage, and only the jaundice increasing to some extent, which can affect CA19-9 level. It can be attributed to of the liver function injury. There is a relation in the CEA and tumor distal metastasis especially in the liver metastasis.
Practical Oncology Journal