桂西北晚古生代地层中近直立的二叠纪、三叠纪沉积灰岩墙与围岩时代相差最大超过 80 Ma(中二叠统茅口组灰岩墙插入中泥盆统东岗岭组中 ) ,有人推测岩墙至少切穿整个石炭系、是海底扩张造成的巨型张裂隙 ;有人认为它是古构造间断面上古褶皱轴面裂隙充填。但这两种认识都有无法解释的矛盾。笔者识别出沉积灰岩墙内的变形平行层理和垂直贯入层理为地震灾变事件记录 ,认为沉积灰岩墙是地震液化沉积物流贯入地裂缝形成 ,是强地震事件在软硬岩层中的不同响应。同时发现与同沉积断裂伴生的台地边缘角砾岩是震裂岩、并有同期斜坡相塌积砾屑灰岩和盆地浊积岩 (夹多层玄武岩 ) ,从而揭示右江盆地内二叠纪—早三叠世火山—构造—地震—沉积系统、并初步解释了沉积灰岩墙成因。沉积灰岩墙表明右江盆地晚古生代有多个地震活跃期 ,灰岩墙与围岩的时间差标志多期局域构造活动。从而质疑早石炭世—中二叠世“右江盆地为稳定碳酸盐岩台地阶段”,进一步的深入研究将可能引起地层和构造关系的重新调整 。
In the Paleozoic Youjiang basin, northwestern Guangxi, Permian or Triassic limestone dikes occurred normally within the late Paleozoic strata (i.e. Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian). The age span between the dikes and their host strata is up to 80Ma. There were two main interpretations: (1) They were giant tensile fractures in carbonate platform that cut through the whole Carboniferous strata at least, in response to the seafloor spreading of Youjiang basin, and filled with syn spreading sediments. (2) They were reopened axial cleavages in paleo unconformity surface and immediately filled with transgressive sediments. However, both interpretations can not explain the phenomenon convincingly. The applicants identified the deformed parallel bedding and the vertical bedding occurring in the limestone dikes with the record of seismic cataclysm events. Therefore the limestone dikes resultted from the earthquake caused liquefied sediment flows (occurring in overlying soft sediments) filling in the earthquake caused geosutures (occurring in underlying solid sediments) and indicated the different response between soft and solid strata to a strong shock. Meanwhile, breccia along the syn sedimentary fault in the edge of platform was identified with shatter breccia resulting from quakes; and collapse limestone breccia and turbidites (with several beds of basalt) respectively in contemporary slope and basin was thought probably triggered by earthquakes. Above observations revealed the middle Permian volcano—deformation—seismic—deposition system in the Youjiang basin, and gave a reasonable genesis for the limestone dikes. Furthermore, the occurring of the dikes demonstrated three seismic active periods during the later Paleozoic in the basin and implied multi phase local tectonic activities. This study argued that 'the Youjiang basin was a stable carbonate platform during early Carboniferous to middle Permian.' This conclusion would deduce a re cognition to the relationships between the strata and the structure, and would give further constrains on the basin evolution and the global super continent cracking.
Geological Review
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 40 3 72 0 5 8)
中国地质调查局项目 (编号 2 0 0 3 13 0 0 0 0 47)的成果