
浅谈大力加强公务员能力建设 被引量:3

To Enhance the Improvement of Civil Servants' Capabih'ties
摘要 公务员素质的高低、能力的强弱,政府机关机构是否合理、运转是否高效,直接决定和反映着执政能力的高低。加强公务员能力建设,是一项长期艰巨的任务,是一项复杂的系统工程,必须把长远目标与现实需要结合起来,把提高个人素质与提高实际工作能力结合起来,把组织推动与个人努力结合起来。 The quality and capabilities of civil servants as well as the structure and operation of government administration organs largely determines the Party's ruling power. It's a long-term arduous task and complex systematic project to have the capabilities of civil servants improved. It calls for the combination of the improvement of individual qualities and the improvement of actual working ability as well as the combination of the Party organizations'encouragement and the individual efforts.
作者 刘首田
出处 《宁夏党校学报》 2004年第6期38-41,共4页 Journal of the Party School of the CPC Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Committee
关键词 公务员素质 执政能力 能力建设 政府机关 长远目标 现实需要 个人素质 系统工程 决定 任务 the ruling power civil servant the improvement of capabilities
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