
房地产市场区域性风险扩散机制研究 被引量:12

The Study of the Regional Risk Expansion Mechanism in Real Estate Markets
摘要 文章关注于房地产市场特有的区域风险,从房地产市场的内部结构来讨论房地产风险产生和传导的机制。针对房地产企业的跨地区投资行为所可能引发的房地产市场区域风险的扩散问题,构建了双市场模型进行分析。并以浙江丽水房地产市场为例,对模型的结论作了"邹至庄检验",得出房地产市场区域风险通过资本跨地区流动从经济发达地区向经济欠发达地区扩散的结论,最后给出了相关的政策建议。 The paper focuses on the regional risks which are unique in the real estate markets, and discusses the mechanism how the risks of real estate are generated and transmitted from the inner structure of the real estate markets. A dual-market model is developed to analyze the expansion of regional risks which are due to trans-region investment to the enterprises in the real estate markets. And then, taking the real estate market in Lishui county, Zhejiang Province for example, we conduct a Chow's test to examine the model and get the conclusions that the regional risks expand to under-deve(loped) regions from developed ones by the trans-regional capital flow. Finally, relevant policy suggestions are provided.
作者 王维安 贺聪
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期15-24,89,共11页 Journal of Finance and Economics
关键词 房地产 区域风险 扩散机制 双市场模型 邹至庄检验 real estate regional risk risk expansion mechanism dual-market model Chow's test
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