
论公共利益之界定——一个公法学基石性范畴的法理学分析 被引量:87

The Definition of Public Interests:A Jurisprudential Analysis on the Basic Category of Public Law
摘要 “公共利益”这一概念在法学、政治学以及社会学中都有使用 ,在法学领域 ,它与公共权力或私人权利有着密切联系 ,是个重要的概念范畴。公共利益构成了公共权力行使的道德基础和伦理基础 ,但究竟什么是公共利益似乎至今仍没有一个明确的、权威的解释 ,因此其往往成为政府滥用权力的一个借口 ,对私人权利造成极大伤害。基于此 ,对公共利益从法理上作出相对明确的界定就显得尤为必要。从“公共利益”的语义分析入手 ,将“公共利益”与相关概念进行了对比分析 ,对可以得出公共利益的描述性的非概念式的理解。 The concept of public interests is used in law, politics and sociology. In the law domain, it has close relations with public power or private rights, so it is an important concept. Public interests constitute the moral basic and ethical basic exertion of power. However there has not yet been a definite and authoritative explanation about what the public interests is on earth, so it often becomes and excuse by which the government abuses its power, and so as to do great harm to private rights. Basing on it, it is necessary to make relatively definite definition of the public interests in jurisprudence. This article begins with the semantic analysis of the public interests, compares it with correlative concepts, and consequently has a descriptive but not notional comprehension of it. The article emphasizes the characteristics and standard of judgment of the public interests, and furthermore clarifies the positive significance what the definition of the public interests has nowadays.
作者 王景斌
出处 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期129-137,共9页 Law and Social Development
关键词 公共利益 法学 公共权力 人权 法理学分析 公法 权利 界定 概念 政府 public interests public power private right the standard of definition
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