文学史上 ,吴文英是最有争议的一位词家。他的词史地位 ,七百多年来升沉起落不定 :南宋末年他的词就受到重视 ,元明两代却湮没无闻。清中叶至清末民初 ,则大盛于世。建国后头三十年 ,遭到严厉指责 ,再次沉寂。二十世纪八十年代以来 ,学者们拨乱反正 ,开始重新认识和评价他的地位和影响。
Wu Wenying is a ci poet whose status in the history of Chinese literature is most Controversial and has undergone many ups and downs for over 700 years. His ci poetry won great attention in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty but was seldom read in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties. From the mid years of the Qing Dynasty to the several decades after it, Wu's poetry again became popular, but it was again severely criticized and thus sank back into oblivion in the 30 years after the founding of PRC. Since 1980's, however, Wu's status and influence have again come to be recognized and evaluated favorably by critics.
Research of Chinese Literature