The results of excavation at Cenjiawan site in 1986 had been published on Acta Anthropologica Sinica, Vol. IX, No. 3 in 1990. In laboratory we found that many artifacts reported in that article can be joined together . AH artifacts come only from 20 pieces of stone blocks. Most of the broken bones show signs of serious weathering and few of them exhibit the gnawing marks of carnivores and the cut marks of prehistoric man. Another excavation was carried out in the spring of 1992, 486 pieces of artifacts and 206 pieces of bones are obtained in the area of twenty square meters. According to the analysis of the information we can draw a conclusion by deduction: This is an open air site for making stone tools, butchering and eating. The prehistoric human group using this site is small. The site may belong to the original burial pattern. The artifacts are simply and roughly manufactured.
Acta Anthropologica Sinica