RF(WeatherResearchForecast)模式系统是美国气象界联合开发的新一代中尺度预报模式和同化系统 ,2 0 0 4年 6月对外发布了第二版和三维变分同化系统。这个模式采用高度模块化、并行化和分层设计技术 ,集成了迄今为止在中尺度方面的研究成果。模拟和实时预报试验表明 ,WRF模式系统在预报各种天气中都具有较好的性能 ,同时实现在线完全嵌套大气化学模式 ,不仅具有较好的天气预报水平 ,而且具有预报空气质量的能力 ,具有广阔的应用前景。
WRF model system is a new generation mesoscal numerical weather forecast model and data assimilation system which is made by meteorological community of U.S.A. 3DAR and WRF V.20 will be released this year. There are highly modular, transportable, and efficient in massively Parallel Computing environment, numerous physics options in the model, advanced data assimilation system developed in tandem with the model itself. The simulations and real-time forecasting show that WFR model has good property for forecasting many kind of weather. The WRF model fully coupled “online' chemistry, therefore WRF model system has broad application not only in weather forecasts, but also in air quality forecasts.
Meteorological Monthly