
制度系统的性质及其对于演化的影响 被引量:21

The Nature of Institutional Systems and Its Effects on the Evolution
摘要 本文分析制度系统的关联性质———可分离性、非分离性和准分离性 ,演化的帕累托 非帕累托性质 ,以及认知正误对其演化方式和绩效的影响 :(1 )若制度系统具有演化的帕累托性质和不存在认知失误 ,则可分离制度系统将具有演化的时序无关性 ;非分离制度系统如果是强耦合关系 ,就必须实行全局共时的演化 ,即突变式演化 ;若是弱耦合关系 ,就可以实行全局历时的演化 ,即渐进式演化。 (2 )制度系统演化的非帕累托性质使得其演化成功的概率取决于演化的方式和拥护演化的群体联盟与反对演化的群体联盟之间的力量对比。 (3 )存在两种认知失误 :对于制度演化的帕累托 非帕累托性质的认知失误和对于其关联性特征的认知失误。前者涉及制度系统演化的目标模式的选择 ,后者既涉及制度系统演化的目标模式的选择 ,也涉及演化的方式和步骤的选择 ,两者同时影响制度系统演化的绩效。 This paper outlines the relating characters of institutional system as (1)separability,non-separability and quasi-separability,(2)Pareto or non-Pareto character of evolution,(3)the correct or wrong cognizance,and analyses the relating characters influence to evolutive means and performance.First,if institutional system has Pareto character of evolution and no lapsus cognizance, separable institutional system will be noncorrelation of evolutive time series;If non-separable institutional system is the strong coupling s relationship,it must paractise the overall simultaneous evolution,just evolution by sudden changing,else it can paractise the overall diachronic evolution,just evolution by degrees.Second,the probability of the non-Pareto character of institutional system making evolution successful depends on the evolutive means and the comparative power between the colony alliance with supporting evolution and with opposing evolution.Thrid,there are two lapsus cognizances:the lapsus cognizance to Pareto or non-pareto character of institutional evolution and to the relating characters.The former relates to the aim mode s choice of institutional systemic evolution,the latter not only relates to it,but also the means and process's choice of evolution.Both influence the performance of institutional systemic evolution at the same time.
作者 张旭昆
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第12期114-122,共9页 Economic Research Journal
关键词 制度系统 帕累托 绩效 演化 目标模式 实行 分析制度 分离制度 性质 变式 Institutional Systems Relationship Pareto or Non-Pareto Character of Evolution Lagsus Cognizance
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