
蕺儿根营养成分分析及评价 被引量:2

Analysis and Appraisal of Nutrients of Houttuynia cordata Thunb
摘要 对蕺儿根营养成分作了较全面的分析。结果显示 ,蕺儿根中癸酰乙醛和总黄酮的含量非常丰富。除VE 含量较高外 ,VC 和VPP的含量也很高 ,其中VC 含量是一般蔬菜的 5~ 80倍。此外 ,还含有丰富的K、Ca、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn、Mg ,尤其Ca、Fe、Cu、Mn、Zn等含量远远高于一般蔬菜。蕺儿根还富含人体所必需的 6种氨基酸 ,且氨基酸组成合理 ,符合WHO/FAO提出的参考蛋白质模式。因此蕺儿根是一种集营养、保健和药用功能于一体的宝贵野菜资源 ,具有较高的开发利用价值。 The nutritive compositions of Houttuynia cordata Thunb were studied. The results showed that it was very rich in decanoyl acetalehyde and total flavonoids. Besides contcuning rich V E, it has higher content of Vpp and Vc. The content of Vc was 5~80 times as high as that in conmon vegetables. Furthermore,the amount of Ca、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn were higher than these in general vegetables. In addition, it was rich in 6 kinds of essential amino acids. The compositions of amino acids were reasonable because it accorded with the protein reference pattern provided by WHO/FAO. The result has indicated that it is one type of wild vegetable resource that shows great potential in its nutrition, health and medical functions.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第11期102-105,共4页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 Vc含量 WHO 营养成分分析 保健 总黄酮 人体 评价 蔬菜 开发利用价值 野菜资源 Houttuynia cordata Thunb, nutritive composition, decanoyl acetalehyde, total flavonids vitamin, mineral element, amino acids
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